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J2SE (JAVA 2 Standard Edition)
Introduction To JAVA
- Understanding Requirement: why JAVA
- Why java important to the internet
Introduction To JAVA Virtual Machine
- Java Virtual machine Architecture
- Class loading process by class loaders
- Booting loader
- Extension loader
- System loader
- Role of Just In time compiler (JIT)
- Execution Engine
An Overview Of JAVA And Buzzwords
- Data Types , Variables ad Arrays
- Operators
- Control statements
- Object oriented paradigms
- Abstractions
- The Three OOP Principles: (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism)
JAVA Classes And Oop Implementation
- Class fundamentals
- Commands line arguments
- Learning Static Initializer
- Declaration of objects
- Instance variable Hiding
- Overloading and Overriding of Methods
- Upcasting
- Down casting
- Understanding of Access Controls (private, public and protected)
- Learning Nested and Inner classes
- Dynamic method Dispatching
- Using Abstract classes
- Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance
- Garbage collection
Packages and Interfaces
- Defining a package
- Understanding CLASSPATH
- Access Protection
- Importing packages
- Defining and Implementing interfaces
- Anonymous classes
- Abstract classes Vs Interfaces
- Adapter classes
Exception Handling
- Fundamental of Exception handling
- Types of Exceptions
- Learning exceptions handlers
- Try and Catch
- Multiple catch Clauses
- Nested Try statements
- Throw , throws and finally
- Creating custom exceptions
- Assertion
String Handling
- Learning String Operation
- Learning character Extraction
- Learning string Comparison
- Understanding string Buffer Classes
- String builder class
- Creating Immutable Class
New IN JDK 5/6/7
- Premain method , Object size
- Generics
- Annotations
- Vargs
- Static Import
- For each
- String in which
- Multiple exception handling
- Dimond Operator
Windows Programming Swing & AWT
- Introduction to JFC
- Controls
Windows Programming Event Delegation Method
- Event Classes
- Event listeners
- Applenet Basics
- Architecture and Skeleton
- Simple Apple Display Methods
- The HTML Applet Tag
- Inter Applet communication
- Trusted Applet (Applet with Database)
Multi threaded Programming
- The java thread model
- Creating a thread: Extended Thread and Implementing Runable
- Creating multiple Thread and Context Switching
- Synchronization: methods and statements
- Inter thread Communication
- Thread local
- Dead lock
- Threadpool executer class
- Shutdown hookup
- Re-entrent locking
Introduction to I/O streams
- File handling
- Binary Streams
- Character stream
- Serialization
- Scanner
- Stream tokenizer
- String tokenizer
- GzipOutStream class
- Data Encryption & decryption
- URL, InetAddress
- Socket And Server Socket
- Datagram socket
- Socket factories
Reflection API
- Determining the class of an object
- Getting information about classes modifier, fields, methods, constructor, and super classes
- Finding out constant and method declaration belong to an interface
- Creating an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime
- Getting and setting value of an objects field if field name is unknown until runtime
- Invoking a method on an object if the method is unknown until runtime
- Creating a new array whose size and components type are not know until runtime
- Invoking private member of a class
Advanced JAVA/J2EE (JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition) Collection Framework
- The Collection Interfaces (list , set, Sorted set)
- The collection classes (The array list, Linked list, Hash set, Tree set)
- Accessing a Collection via an Iterator
- Working with maps
- Working with Comparators
- The Collection Algorithms
- The Legacy Classes and Interfaces (Enumeration, Vector, Stack, Dictionary, Hash table)
- Date and Time Handling
- Array class
System Properties & Internationalization
- Usage of Property file
- Define the locale
- ResourceBundle
- Fetching Text from ResourceBundle
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- Distributed Applications
- RMI Architecture
- Implementation
- Call-Back Mechanism
Database Programming Using JDBC(4.1)
- JDBC Drivers
- Statements
- Metadata
- Scrollable & Updatable Result set
- Batch Updates
- Data Sources And Connecting Pooling
- Row sets
- Transaction (commit , rollback,savepoint)
- Getting Data from excel sheet
- Generating log file
Introduction TO J2EE Architecture TIER Architecture
- Single Tier
- Two Tier
- Three Tier
- N Tier
J2EE Components
- Web components
- Business components
J2EE Containers
- Containers Type
- Containers Services
J2EE Services
- Java Naming and Directory Interfaces
- Java Transaction Services
- Java Messaging Services
- Java Authentication & Authorization Services
Introducation To UML
Introduction TO XML
- Document type Definition (DTD)
- XML parsers
- Document object module(DOM)
- Simple API for XML (SAX)
- Introduction to Web Programming
- Advantages to Servlet
- Servlet Lifecycle
- Request Dispatching
- Session Tracker
- Event Listener
- Dependency Injection
- Filters
- Servlet with Annotation
- @WebFilter
- @WebInitParam
- @WebListener
- @WebServlet
- @MultipartConfig
- @ServletSecurity
- File uploading/file downloading
- Security
- Refreshing servlet
JAVA Server Pages (JSP) & JSTL
- JSP Architecture
- JSP Element
- JSP Directives
- JSP Actions
- JSP Objects
- Custom Tags
- Using Tags of JSTL
- Expression Language
- Exception handling in JSP
- XMLHTTPRequest
- Ready State
- OnreadystateChange
- ResponseText
- ResponseXML
- Status
- StatusText
- Div Tag
- Functon
- Open ( )
- Send ( )
- Ajax Web Application Model
- Jquery with Ajax
- Jquery Event
- Jquery Selectors
- Calling JSP with Jquery
- Animation
- get ( ) Function
- Jquery Ajax Event
Enterprise JAVA Beans (EJB-3.2)
- Introduction
- Architecture
- Types of EJB
Session Beans
- Introduction
- State Management
- Dpendency Injection
- Interceptors
- Timer Service
- Life cycle Callback Methods
- @PostConstruct
- @PreDestroy
- @PreActivate
- @PrePassivate
- Types
- Stateless
- State full
- Singleton
Entity Beans
- Introduction
- Java Persistence API
- Java Persistence Query
- Language(JPQL)
- The Entity Life Cycle
- Entity Relationships
- @One To One
- @One To Many
- @Many To One
- @Many To Many
- @Entity
- @Id
- @Table
- @Column
- @Basic
Message Driven Beans & JMS2.0
- Messaging overview
- Messaging models
- Point to point models
- Topic subscriber models
- JMS Implementation
- Life cycle
- @MessageDriven
- @ActivationConfigProperty
J2EE Design Pattern
- Why design pattern?
- Front controller
- Composite view
- Session façade
- Service Locator
- Data Access Object
- Value object
- Singleton pattern , factory pattern
- Email system and Protocols
- Architecture
- Sending mail
- Receiving mail
- Handling attachments
- Replying & forwarding
Packaging and Deployment Using ANT Bluetooth API
- Local Device
- UUID class
- Discovery Listener
Introduction to Web services
- A conceptual overview of Web Services
- Web services requirements
- My Eclipse 2013
- NetBeans 6.5
Web Server
Application Server
- Bea’s Web logic 10.3/12c
- J Boss
- Sun Application server
- Web share
STRUTS 2.X curriculum STRUTS 2 Framework
- MVC /Model2
- Filter
- Action
- Result
- Interceptors
- Valuestack, ONGC and DATA transfer
- Action Context
Working With STRUTS 2 Actions
- Introducing Struts 2 actions
- Packing your actions
- Implementing Actions
- Transferring data onto objects
- File uploading: a case study
Adding Workflow with Interceptor
- Why intercept requests
- Interceptors in actions
- Surveying the built –in struts 2 interceptor
- Building your own interceptor
Data Transfer: Ognl And Type Conversion
- Data transfer and type conversion
- OGNL and Struts 2
- Built-in type convertors
- Customizing type conversion
Building A View : Tags
- An overview of struts tags
- Data tags
- Miscellaneous tags
- Using JSTL and other native tags
- A brief primer for the OGNL expression language
Ui Component Tags
- Why we need UI components tags
- Tags, template, and themes
- UI component tag reference
Results In Detail
- Life after action
- Commonly used result types
- Global results
Integrating With Spring And Hibernate/Jpa
- Why use spring with struts 2?
- Adding to spring to struts 2
- Why use the java persistence API with struts 2?
Exploring The Validation Framework
- Getting familiar with the validation framework
- Wiring your actions for validation
- Writing a custom validator
- Validation framework advanced topics
Understanding Internationalization
- The struts 2 framework and JAVA i18n
- A struts 2 i18n demo
- Struts 2 i18n: the details
- Overloading the framework’s default locale determination
Struts with Annotation
Database Curriculum SQL Basic
- Introduction
- Select
- Where
- Insert
- Update
- Delete
Sql Advanced
- SQL order By
- SQL in
- SQL between
- SQL join
- SQL union
- SQL create
- SQL drop
- SQL alter
- Decode SQL
- SQL group By
- SQL select by
- SQL create view
- Creating index
SQL Functions
- Aggregate functions
- Scalar functions
Working with Dates
Introduction to PL
Working with Procedure and Functions
- Working with Procedure and Functions
Working with Triggers
Working with Sequences
UI (USER INTERFACE) What is an HTML Table?
- Using the Border Attribute
- Aligning a Table on the Page
- Aligning Tables and Text
Creating a Hyperlink
Graphic File Formats
- Using Images to Anchor Links
Forms and Controls
- Forms , Form Elements
- Form Actions, Form Methods , Form \ Design
CSS 2 and CSS 3 CSS review and basics
- CSS syntax
- CSS selectors
- Classes and ID’s
Some basic CSS properties
- The box model
- Div’s and spans
Creative artwork and CSS
- Graduated fills
- Round corners
Layout principals with CSS
- Document flow
- Absolute positioning
- Relative positioning
- Static positioning
- Floating elements
CSS based navigation
- Styling links with pseudo classes
- CSS drop down navigation systems
Creating a CSS styled form
- Associating labels with inputs
- Form based selectors
- Formatting inputs
Working with other media types
- Switching to a different media
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Common Programming Concepts
- Java and JavaScript
- Working with Variables and Data
- JavaScript Reserved and Keywords
- Expressions and Operators
- Functions, Methods, and Events
- Methods as Functions
- User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers
- The button, checkbox, text, text area, radio button, and select Objects
- The if…else, while, for, break, and continue Statements
- JavaScript Language Objects
- The String, Array, Date, and Math Objects
- Evaluating Strings
- Setting and Extracting Time Information
- Getting Started with jQuery
- Traversing the DOM and Chaining
- Handling Events and Event Delegation
- AJAX, JSON and Deferreds
- Grids , Tables with Ajax , Pagination, JQuery UI
Laying out a page with HTML5
- New HTML5 Structural Tags
HTML5 – How we got here
- New Features of HTML5
- Current State of Browser Support
Sections And Articles
HTML5 Audio and Video
- The audio Element
- The video Element
- Accessibility
- Scripting Media Elements
- Dealing with Non-Supporting Browsers
HTML5 Forms
HTML5 New Form Field Attributes
- required
- placeholder
- autofocus
- autocomplete
- form
- pattern
New Form Elements
- datalist
- progress and meter
HTML5 Web Storage
- Overview of HTML5 Web Storage
- Web Storage
HTML5 Canvas
- Getting Started with Canvas
- Drawing Lines
- Color and Transparency
- Rectangles
- Circles and Arcs
- Quadratic and Bezier Curves
- Images
Integrated APIS
- Offline Application API
- Drag and Drop API
Layout with Bootstrap
ANGULAR 2 Typescript
- What is Typescript
- Typescript Classes
- Typescript Array ,String ,Tuples, Union
- Interface
- Inheritance
- Constants and scoped variables
- Arrow function
- Template String
- Modules
- Anatomy of an Angular 2 Application
- Get the Most from This Course
- Sample Application
Introduction to Components
- hat Is a Component?
- Creating the Component Class
- Defining the Metadata with a Decorator
- Importing What We Need
- Demo: Creating the App Component
- Bootstrapping the App Component
- Demo: Bootstrapping the App Component
Templates, Interpolation, and Directives
- Building a Template
- Building the Component
- Using a Component as a Directive
- Binding with Interpolation
- Adding Logic with Directives: ngIf
- Adding Logic with Directives: ngFor
Data Binding & Pipes
- Property Binding
- Handling Events with Event Binding
- Handling Input with Two-way Binding
- Transforming Data with Pipes
Retrieving Data Using HTTP
- Observables and Reactive Extensions
- Setting Up
- Sending an Http Request
- Subscribing to an Observable
Navigation and Routing Basics
- Setting Up
- Configuring Routes
- Tying Routes to Actions
- Placing the Views
- Passing Parameters to a Route
- Activating a Route with Code
Services and Dependency Injection
- How Does It Work?
- Building a Service
- Registering the Service
- Injecting the Service