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Graphics Designing
Corel Draw
Getting Started
- Exploring the CorelDraw Screen
- File Management
- Setting Up the Page
Moving Around and Viewing Drawings
- Moving Around the Current Page
- Viewing Modes
- Inserting and Deleting Pages
- Changing Page
Customizing Options
- Customizing the Toolbars
- Using Shortcuts
- Saving Defaults
- Setting File Backups
Drawing and Shaping Objects
- Drawing and Shaping Tools
- Using the Freehand Tool
- Drawing Lines and Polylines
- Drawing Freehand Polygons
- Drawing Perfect Shapes
- Reshaping Lines and Polylines
- Drawing Curves
- Reshaping Curves
- Drawing Rectangles
- Drawing Circles
Selecting & Manipulating Objects
- Selecting and Deselecting Objects
- Moving Objects
- Copying and Deleting Objects
- Deleting Objects
- Sizing Objects
Transforming Objects
- Mirroring Objects
- Rotating and Skewing Objects
- Using Transform Objects
Outlining & Filling Objects
- Eyedropper and Paint bucket Tool
- The Outline Tool
- Choosing Outline Thickness
- Choosing Outline Colors
- Using Fill Tool
- Uniform Fill, Fountain Fill, Pattern Fill
- Interactive Mesh Fill
- Setting Outline and Fill Defaults
Arranging Objects
- Arranging Objects
- Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
- Using Guidelines
- Aligning Objects
- Group and Child Objects
- Combining and Breaking Objects
- Welding Objects
- Using Intersection
- Using Trim
Special Effects
- Drawing with The Artistic Media Tool
- Shaping an Object with an Envelope
- Extruding an Object
- Blending two Objects
- Using the Lens Effect
- Adding Perspectives
- Using Power Clips
- Applying Contours
- Applying Drop Shadows
- Using Interactive Transparencies
- Applying Mesh Fills
Working with Text
- The Text Tool
- Creating Artistic Text
- Editing Text
- Formatting Text
- Setting Text Options
- Creating Paragraph Text
- Choosing Paragraph Options
- Setting Indents Using the Ruler
- Importing Text
Working with Brushes
- Using Calligraphic Brushes
- Editing a brush
- Using Art Brushes
- Creating a pattern brush
- Creating custom brushes
Working with Paragraph
- Text Implementing Color
- Management
- Creating Custom Color Palettes
- Choosing a Color Using Color
- Harmonies
- Applying Colors Using the Color
- Docker
- Automatically Creating Color Styles
- Importing and Sizing Paragraph Text
- Flowing Text Between Frames
- Formatting Paragraph Frames
- Wrapping Paragraph Text Around
- Objects
- Applying Drop Caps
- Typing Text into Objects
Special Text Effects
- Fitting Text to a Path
- Converting Text to Curves
- Creating Blended Text Shadows
- Special Text Effects
- Bevel Text
Using Symbols and Clipart
- Inserting Text Symbols
- Adding Clipart
- Modifying Clipart
Working with Bitmaps
- What is a Bitmaps
- Importing Bitmap Options
- Adjusting Color
- Hiding Certain Colors in a Bitmap
- Applying Special Bitmap Effects
Special Page Layouts
- Creating a Greeting Card
- Print Previewing the Layout
- Creating Labels
- Print Options
- Print Previewing
Using Styles and Templates
- About Styles and Templates
- Creating a style
- Applying a Style
- Copying Properties
Using Corel Trace
- Types of Graphic Formats
- About Corel Trace
- Tracing Image
- Special Trace Effect
Getting to Know the Work Area
- The Photoshop Environment
- Creating Custom Workspaces
- Opening Images
- Using the File Browser
- Image Magnification
- Viewing Document Information
- Moving the Image
- Undoing Mistakes and the History Palette
- Using the options bar and other panels
- Using the Tools
- Displaying Drawing Guides
- Setting Preferences
Photoshop Image Manipulation
- Opening an Image in Photoshop
- Creating images in Photoshop
- Saving images in Photoshop
- Basic image editing
- Cropping an Image
- Bitmap Images
- Vector Images
- Image Size and Resolution Settings
- Scanning Images
- Placing Files
- Supported import and export formats
Color Basics
- Color Modes
- Color Management
- Foreground and Background colors
- Using the Color Picker
- Selecting colors with the Eyedropper Tool
- Selecting colors with the Swatches
- Palette
Photoshop Tools
- Parts of the Toolbox
- Toolbox shortcuts
- Tool Options
- Marquees Tool
- Magic wand Tool
- Lassos Tool
- Move Tool
- Crop Tool
- Slice Tools
- Healing Brush Tool
- Pattern Stamp Tool
- Clone Stamp Tool
- Patch Tool
- Pencil Tool
- Paintbrush Tool
- Color Replacement Tool
- Eraser Tools
- History brushes Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Paint bucket Tool
- Burn-dodge-sponge Tool
- Blur-sharpen-smudge Tool
- Shapes-line-rectangle-polygon Tool
- Path selection Tool
- Pen Tool
- Type Tools
- Hand-Zoom Tool
- Foreground and Background colors
- Using free transform
- Move
- Rotate
- Scale
- Skew Distort
- Perspective
- Flip-vertical, horizontal
- Invert
- Rotate 180, 90ocw, 90occw
Layer Basics
- About Layers-fill and adjustment Layers
- Using the Layers Palette
- Creating Layers
- Deleting Layers
- Moving Layers
- Layer Opacity
- Locking Layers
- Layer modes and blending options
- Apply Layers Style
- Flatting and saving file
Working with Selections
- Using the quick selection tool
- Moving a selected area
- Manipulating selection
- Refining the edges of a selection
Masks and Channels
- Editing a mask
- Applying a filter effect to a masked
- selection
- Creating a Gradient mask
- Using the action palette
- Recording action
- Playing action
- Editing action
- Loading a saved action
Text Editing and Special Effects
- About the type Layer
- Creating horizontal and vertical type
- Using horizontal and vertical type mask tools
- Using character palette for text editing
- Creating text warp
- Rasterizing type
- Converting type to Shapes
- Adding effect to text
Photoshop Special Effects and Filter
- About special effects
- Using filters
- Basic filters
- Filter Combinations
Creating Links Within An Image
- Slicing and image in Photoshop
Introducing the Workspace
- Overview
- Working with Panels
- Customizing the Workspace
- Using Context menus
- Finding Resources
Getting to Know InDesign
- Viewing Guides
- Adding Text
- Working with Styles
- Working with Objects
- Working with object styles
Setting Up a Document and Working with Pages
- Working with master pages
- Changing the size of pages
- Placing text and graphics
Working with Objects
- Creating and editing text frames
- Creating and editing graphics frames
- Changing the shape of a frame
- Wrapping text around a graphic
- Transforming and aligning objects
- Selecting and modifying grouped Objects
Flowing Text
- Flowing text into and existing frame
- Flowing text manually
- Flowing text automatically
Editing Text
- Finding and Changing a missing font
- Checking Spelling
- Editing text by dragging and dropping
- Entering and importing text
Working with Type
- Adjusting Vertical Spacing
- Changing Fonts and type Style
- Changing Paragraph Alignment
- Creating a drop cap
- Adjusting letter and word spacing
- Setting Tabs
Working with Color
- Creating and applying Colors
- Working with gradients
- Applying Colors to test and Objects
Working with Styles
- Creating and applying paragraph styles
- Creating and applying Character Styles
- Creating and applying object styles
Importing and Modifying Graphics
- Adding Graphics from other programs
- Comparing vector and bitmap graphics
- Working with alpha Channels
- Adjusting display quality
Creating Tables
- Formatting a Table
- Adding Graphics to table cells
- Creating and applying table and cell styles
Getting to Know the work Area
- Overview
- Working with Panels
- Working with the tools panel
- Understanding Rulers
- Finding Resources
Selection and Aligning
- Selecting objects
- Aligning Objects
- Working with Groups
- Arrange Objects
- Distributing Objects
Creating and Editing Shapes
- Working with basic shapes
- Creating ellipses and polygons
- Changing Stroke width and alignment
- Joining paths
- Combining and editing shapes
- Working with the pathfinder
- Using Live Trace
Transforming Objects
- Working with artboards
- Scaling, reflecting, rotating, distorting
- Working with rulers and guides
- Changing Perspective
- Using free distort
- Transforming Content
- Using the pen tool
- Using the Pencil and brush tools
- Drawing Curves
- Editing a Path
- Coloring and Painting
Color modes
- Editing a Swatch
- Using Patterns
- Working with Live Paint
- Using Gradients
Working with Type
- Threading text
- Changing fonts size and color
- Using styles
- Warping text
- Text on a path
- Creating Outlines
- Wrapping text around an object
Working with Brushes
- Using Calligraphic Brushes
- Editing a brush
- Using Art Brushes
- Creating a pattern brush
- Creating custom brushes
Working with Symbols
- Creating Symbols
- Editing Symbols
- Using Symbols tools
- Symbols and Flash