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Introduction of Laravel PHP Framework
- Introduction of LARAVEL
- Installing Laravel
- Introduction of MVC Pattern
- Laravel Directory Structure
Setting up a sample project ‘ Hello World ‘
- Artisan command to generate a controller
- Basic routing
- Call a controller method from a route
- Passing variables from controllers to views
HTML to Laravel Blade Syntax
- Display Images
- Make Anchor
- Displaying Variables
- Conditional Statements
- Loop in blade
- PHP function
- Build Your Master layout
- Extending the master layout
- nested views
- Include Views
- Adding assets
Using Forms and Gathering Input
- Adding HTML 5 Package
- Creating A form using Blade Syntax
- Validating user input
- File Uploading
- Error message Handling
- Encrypting and decrypting data
- Preserving the data
Using Controllers and Routes for URLs
- Introduction
- Creating a basic controller
- Creating a route using a closure
- Making the controller As a routing
- Using route groups
- Using route resource
Database Connectivity
- Introduction Model
- Type of Database using
- Eloquent ORM Model
- Naming Convention
- Table name
- Primarykey
- Timestamps
- Usemodel
- Display data from models in views
- Manage Mass Assignment
- CRUDS Operation (Create Read Update Delete Search Operations)
- Fluent
- Simple Query String
- CRUDS Operation (Create Read Update Delete Search Operations)
- Query Builder
- CRUDS Operation (Create Read Update Delete Search Operations)
Security & Session
- Removing Public from URL
- Sessions Effective
Laravel Project : (Any Project)
- Laravel Project : (Any Project)